Our Guiding Light
Jackson “Slim” Hill
Jackson’s Story
Many have asked about Jackson since the start of the 4TH ROW project. We love to talk about him with anyone that will listen. When asked, we are instantly faced with the challenge of compressing a very complex issue into a few short minutes. We generally stay safe and remain at surface level for fear that no one really cares as much as we do. But in all honesty, If I wasn’t Jackson’s Dad, I would like to hear more about the kid who was completely normal and athletic at 13 years old. He then morphed into the kid with an awkward goofy neck, then a shockingly straight neck, then a gimp right arm, followed
by a wheel chair, and then confined to a bed by the time he was 20.
It seems rather trivial and shallow to place Jackson’s life into a chronological list of bullet points. However, each bullet point was filled with amazing experiences – in private, in a hospital room, at home with family and friends, at school, at visiting schools, at chemo / radiation treatments, even at Phog Allen Fieldhouse in Kansas. We met some of the most amazing – lifelong friends during his journey. In particular, we met two special friends in the hospital, who were facing their own major health challenges – Hayden (leukemia ) and Beau (brain injury/trauma). Both were in our home the night before Slim passed away. They were both there to share a collective special bond, as all 3 had to come face to face with the reality of leaving this earth way too soon. Without asking and just observing it appeared as if Slim had been a source of strength, leadership and courage for them. Both are now doing fantastic and loving life. Each time we see them it is as if we are a little bit closer to our son.
Thank you for taking the time learn about our son.
Jackson’s Journey
The 4TH ROW Podcast Hosts
The Official host and MC of the 4TH ROW. If you have heard the podcast you will recognize the "WELCOME TO THE 4TH ROW". The ultimate socializer and best big brother anyone could ask for.
I have spent many years pretending to be a High School basketball coach. I attempt to lend some level of expertise to the conversation. Thank you to all the great friends we have met during our podcast project :)